this blog is just a collection of my thoughts and personal opinions on complex issues as well as being a journaling outlet for me

who is Lillith? well that would be me i guess. In a sense i am her but really she’s the part of me that comes out when bad things happen in my life, I don’t expect anyone to understand but whatever I say on here I guess you can attribute to my alter ego of sorts.

everything I write has been fact checked, i’m a lazy piece of shit who hates citing so I guess take it with a grain of salt.

the invisible life of Addie Larue

Starting a new book today after I finished the bell jar anyhow I think this book has a good premise. the book name is the title if your stupid and cant deduce that.

The book’s basic premise is that a woman is lovesick after spending 300 years on earth without a single person remembering her. this is of course entirely her fault seeing how she made a deal with Lucifer. Addie meets some guy In a coffee shop and he remembers her and that’s where the story starts. now when I first read the summary I though it was gonna be contemporary literature instead of some YA crap. but oh well I already bought the book, so I might as well read it.

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